Current Sermon Series

Culture Clash - 1 Corinthians

The church in Corinth was at odds with the culture of their day as they tried to be Christlike in a Christ-less culture. This series examines the struggles of a church with division and difficulties. We will take a look at how Paul addressed this church and led them to serving Christ.

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Connect Church is an amazing church, everyone makes you feel so welcome and like family. Pastor Heath preaches to you not at you! I am truly blessed to be a part of this family.

Terry T

I've been attending since its inception. We are growing, thriving and learning! They emphasize teaching children while offering a variety of classes for the young and older adults. Pastor Heath is young and energetic, with the compassion of a seasoned shepherd. You will find a special friend at Connect Church!

Sally W

I have never been a part of a church that shows more love and support for each other. You will truly feel a part of a church family, not just a part of a church.

Arthur B

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